01 Nov How Can I SAFELY Use MMS with My Public Health Program?
MMS is quickly becoming a must have bit of capacity in the public health sector, here’s why:
If you already have a texting application and it’s secure, adding MMS is a no-brainer. However, if you’re stuck with a system that is porous when it comes to system security, you should probably consider leaving mms out of your workflows. But if you’re using a secure platform like PreventionPays, then there are several use cases that make for a compelling reason to begin using MMS with you clients and feel confident their privacy is protected.
Confirm eligibility
Prep for a home visit
Confirm identity of client prior to providing direct services
We are living during a time that has become increasingly unsafe with greater risk of being scammed or defrauded than ever before. Our clients are now being asked for more verification – that they are providing services to the actual person that they say they are. So, how is this done? without violating end user privacy laws? It’s not easy, however, if your texting platform is already secure, then adding MMS is literally just a flip of the switch! Contact us at [email protected] and we can get you activated. Adding an image to any campaign will boost results. With our HIPAA Compliant solution, you can receive and send MMS messages with complete security. Protect end user privacy while achieving better health outcomes.
SMS and HIPAA 101
The majority of the HIPAA regulations for SMS are contained within the technical safeguards of the HIPAA Security Rule. These safeguards require the introduction of access controls, audit controls, integrity controls, ID authentication, and transmission security to prevent unauthorized access to PHI. Among the required security measures:
Every authorized user must be assigned a unique login username and PIN number for whatever mechanism is being used to send and receive PHI. This is so all communications containing PHI can be monitored and logged.
Any mechanism used to communicate PHI must have an automatic logoff facility. This measure is required to prevent unauthorized access to PHI if a desktop computer or mobile device is left unattended.
PHI must be encrypted in transit so that, in the event a message is intercepted on a public Wi-Fi network, the content of any message – and any PHI sent as an attachment – is “unreadable, undecipherable and unusable”.
These three security measures by themselves make it difficult for HIPAA covered entities to comply with the HIPAA regulations for SMS. It is not difficult to implement a channel of communication that requires users to log in, but to monitor all their online activity and have them log off when they are finished is much more complicated. With PreventionPays, you can feel secure in knowing that all safeguards are included and foundational to the application. We designed and built PreventionPays from the ground up. Our development is responsive to our users’ needs and methodical. We utilize a WIKI environment so that no one is working on the app in a silo. All work is checked and re-checked. We conceive of the feature and then build it out in the context of the greater application, so that all features are tested, verified and activated, with HIPAA regulations in tow. In fact, it’s our development model which distinguishes us from other products.
Introducing MMS!
PreventionPays was designed and constructed with HIPAA regulations embedded. So, it’s easy to make the case for adding capacity to an already secure platform. Most of the HIPAA protocols apply to MMS. We worked hard to ensure our brand of MMS is effective, but most importantly, secure. Send and receive beautiful (or not) photos with the same confidence you have sending text in PreventionPays! With regard to security and end user privacy, you’re covered! Want more info? email [email protected]
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