Health and education at your fingertips
We connect our customers to individuals and communities at critical times to improve health and education outcomes.
We connect our customers to individuals and communities at critical times to improve health and education outcomes.
We started using (PreventionPays) to follow up with clients that missed their appointments. Up to then, we were trying to call them, but they would never answer. They always reply when we text them.
Emily S.
Program Manager, Santa Cruz County WIC
We launched this service with a single high school in rural Nevada. Students were texting our counselors that same day.
Crisis Call Center, Reno Nevada
Hotline Director
In a world of online service and Orwellian IT support, you guys are a breath of fresh air…. always super responsive.
Southern District Health Department, Las Vegas Nevada
Special Projects Director
PreventionPays has helped us capture our clients’ mobile numbers. We are able to communicate with them easily and efficiently using the same channel they use every day - text!!
Meg Beard, Santa Barbara County WIC
PreventionPays Text is unlike anything we’ve seen on the market. Amazing platform, superb support.
2-1-1info Oregon
Director, 211
PreventionPays Text has made everything easy from start to finish. Everyone loves the service and the data is beautiful.
Executive Director
We were able to train our counselors on the new service without any issues thanks to your awesome system.
Edward Anibal
Hotline IT Director, Boys Town National Hotline
Text I&R is efficient. We’re able to respond to several encounters simultaneously with ease. The system and pace of texting shares many characteristics with email and Instant Messaging. We can also use "triage" (automated intake, Chatbot) to reveal information including the reason for texting, prior to the live conversation. So, we’re able to be more efficient with our live help.
2-1-1Info, Portland Oregon
Database Manager
We see texting as where all communication is heading. It’s not just a small part of our daily communication anymore — it’s the most important part.
Daniela C
Assistant Director Teen Line
PreventionPays Text is VERY easy to use. Our specialists prefer text over all other mediums, phone, chat, email.
Marioly Botero
211 Manager, United Way Atlanta
We connect our customers to individuals and communities at critical times to improve health and education outcomes.
PreventionPays Text is an industry leading secure text message platform that was designed with a focus on conversational texting with tailored group messaging features that you expect in an SMS platform. A feature rich user experience that is commonly referred to as “very intuitive”, “easy-to-use” with dashboards for both content managers and admins alike. Due to our always-in-development philosophy, PreventionPays Text boasts a 98% renewal rate, year after year by hundreds of health and human service agencies.
PreventionPays Text also provides multiple integration points with your current CRM because we recognize the value of systems that talk to each other – merged systems improve workflows and increase efficiencies. Check with us to see if your CRM is currently integrated. If not, then we commit to providing all the necessary information for easy, intelligent integrated solutions through our open API Development gateway.
We have a deep understanding of the specific messaging needs of these agencies and this understanding helps guide the provisioning and setup processes for new customers.
We have dedicated cost structures and campaign setup procedures for the following customer types/sectors: State and Local WIC Agencies, Medicare and Medicaid, United Way, 211 contact centers, 311, Behavioral Health Help/Hotlines (crisis text services), Department of Health Services, Public Health Departments, City and State Government Agencies, Colleges, Universities, and Research Institutions!
We are able to service other customer types with a simple interview to understand your needs
We use text more than any other function on our phones – more than social media apps, email, browsing the web, streaming services. Making voice calls is number six on the list. Text-enable your agency with live, two-way, carrier grade SMS on the leading platform, provisioned with every mobile carrier for health and human services.
PreventionPays Text is an enterprise tier 1 short code text platform with a focus on conversational text (textchat) and tailored group messaging with support for integrated referrals, SMS surveys, group messaging, appointment reminders (with two-way dialogue for enhanced appointment compliance) and reminder series or educational “drip” messaging. For maximum privacy and security, the secure web application is hosted in our own private secure data center space where only we have physical access, and no one but you will see your data.
Educational Messages Services(EMS) located in Ventura CA, has developed Tier 1 short code text messaging services since 2006, designing web-based mobile communication software primarily for the health and human service industries.
EMS has over 26 years of experience building, deploying and evaluating public health projects and programs using cutting-edge multimedia tools and techniques for priority populations across issues like HIV awareness/prevention, oral health, tobacco cessation, mental health awareness/policy/services, health care access, women’s health issues, suicide prevention, community health initiatives.
We are proud of our services. We’re the team behind the award-winning, nationally recognized text message service, the subject of dozens of evaluations and national conferences including AAS, AIRS, SAMHSA, National WIC Association, USDA, APHA, SEXTECH, Tulane School of Sociology, University of Nevada, Reno, Tulane University, UCSF, and many others.
The PreventionPays Text platform helps 211, WIC agencies, helplines, crisis, and many other community service providers increase contact and engagement with the populations they serve.
Is your agency text-enabled? Learn why millions of people, from front-line staff to those they reach – the individuals, their families, friends, colleagues, teachers, community leaders, are impacted by PreventionPays Text everyday.