We have worked with WIC agencies for 10+ years and have extensive knowledge about how to maximize the channel in order to improve communication outcomes with their caseloads. GenY moms text at higher rates than any other priority group/demographic. WICs using PreventionPays Text have shared their superb outcomes at national conferences including National WIC Association (last 6 years in a row) and they have benefited from national awards including the USDA Loving Support Award of Excellence (only awarded to 4 other WICs in the Nation – the award was developed to recognize and celebrate WIC agencies that provide exemplary breastfeeding programs and support services. The intent of the award is to provide models and motivate local agencies and clinics to strengthen their breastfeeding promotion and support activities and ultimately increase breastfeeding initiation and duration rates among WIC participants.) Additionally, their work has been published in the National Journal of Lactation Consultants, calling the Peer Counseling Text Program “a highly innovative approach to breastfeeding education by meeting the communication needs of GenY” read the full article here: http://www.emse.org/CL5-4_R2_A4_001-005.pdf
In addition to the nationally recognized, award winning Peer Counselor Text program, WICs enjoy Tier 1 conversational texting (aka two-way texting “Textchat”) tailored group SMS with pre-authored message tracks, fully integrated content and solutions, highly sophisticated appointment reminders with one crucial additional component – the ability to dialogue with individuals or groups on an as-needed basis for cancellations/rescheduling. With GenY women preferring text over all other channels, two-way texting via Tier 1 short code connections has become an essential component of the WIC communication strategy with many WICs turing off phone support in favor or PreventionPays Text!
Yearly price based on caseload and staff size (contact us for a custom quote!)
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